Would you like to go to Kenya with The Machao Orphanage Foundation? Are you ready to have a life-changing experience? Our short-term trips focus on spending quality time with the children of MACHAO as well as rolling up your sleeves and working alongside the children and the workers.
Our trips are designed to give people an opportunity to engage directly with the children and the communities that support them. Over the years we have seen these interactions draw people to a greater understanding of God’s compassion that extends long beyond the dates of the trip. Our hope is that the same will be true for you.

Short Term Trip to Makueni, Kenya
There are currently 43 children living in dormitories at MACHAO. We would like to bring at least 10 volunteers with us on MACHAO’s next Service Trip, and one of these people could be you. Travel with us to Kenya (Makueni and Kisumu), where the need is great and your help will truly make a difference. We fly out of LAX to Dubai, and then from Dubai to Nairobi, Kenya. You will be engaged in loving acts of kindness during your stay: wash the children’s feet and see their faces light up with delight; place new shoes directly on their feet; read to them at night before going to bed (a ritual we’re sure you conduct with your own children); assist the children with their chores, and the list goes on. It’s an experience unlike any other and a journey that WILL transform your life.
Dates: July 14 – August 2, 2019
Cost: $5,000*
Status: Open
Apply By: April 30, 2019

Short Term Trip to Makueni, Kenya
Informational Meetings (Mandatory)
The informational meeting dates for the 2019 trip are Sundays from 4 – 6 pm:
All the information about the trip is listed under our FAQs.
If we missed anything, feel free to give us as shout, and we’ll update immediately.